Wednesday, June 02, 2004


MSTU kiddies

I would just like to say - well done everyone from MSTU2000 - some of the blogs have transformed into fantastic sites. Many are difficult to read, some difficult to follow at times, but strangely fascinating (he he he Mr Consumationist)... Many I have wanted to leave comments on, but your comments function didn't seem to be working.

This course was a lot of fun. Music and subcultures still seem to both excite me, confuse me, and astound me... what's the point of listening to music? Why collect music? (when it mostly just gathers dust on your shelves after 5-10 listens) Is consuming music a fundamental part of our existence? Does anyone remember Debbie Gibson?... Her hat?... the 'Hobo Humpin' Slobo Babe?...

Imagine if you will a world where no music existed, maybe not even sound - (don't get too technically critical of this - just imagine)... Then along came John Farnham who opened his mouth and sang, "Take the Pressure Down" or more fittingly, "You're the Voice"... wouldn't the new creation/genesis of music just blow us away, wouldn't we all be John Farnham fans.... until we discovered that others could make music, and that John wasn't no longer so good in our mind. What's the point of this hypothetical scenario? I don't know - I'm just trying to capture the special quality of music in my mind... John - come and give us another farewell tour and we could play out this fantasy in our minds...


Some More Links That I've been visiting

Firstly, a great blog, with many useful music links. I'm slowly working my way through some of them.

Secondly, not much use for my work, but for those looking at file sharing, here's an interesting article and site.

Finally, for all the music nerds out there - complete your status, by voting on all your favourite CDs/vinyl/burnt CDs etc, and let the world know what you own and why it's good...RATE YOUR MUSIC I couldn't resist and now keep my complete music collection on-line by using this system. This was because my spreadsheed file corrupted - cataloguing, the ultimate proof of music nerd-dom.... Here's mine.


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